Motor Trainings
Interested in Motor trainings?
Basic Insulation analysis training
-Basic Insulation analysis training
Application training - Insulation resistance, tan delta, Hipot testing
-Basic insulation analysis Specific product training
Specific instrument measurement for Insulation resistance, tan delta, Hipot testing
on rotating machines
(model and manufacturer should be specified in the application)
Windings analysis on rotating machines
Windings analysis on rotating machines: surge testing, capacitance, inductance
- Windings analysis Specific product training
Specific instrument for surge testing , capacitance, inductance on rotating machines
(model and manufacturer should be specified in the application)
Advanced insulation analysis training
- Advanced insulation analysis training
Application training PD testing, rotor flux and advanced insulation diagnostics on rotating machines
- Specific product Advanced insulation analysis training
Specific instrument measurement for PD testing , rotor flux and advanced insulation diagnostics on rotating machines
(model and manufacturer should be specified in the application)
Basic vibrations training
-Basic vibrations training
Application training - Absolute vibrations measurements analysis and interpretation
-Specific product Basic vibrations training
Specific instrument measurement/ monitoring for basic (absolute vibrations with diagnostics on rotating machines)
(model and manufacturer should be specified in the application)
Advanced Vibrations training
-Advanced Vibrations training
Application training – Absolute and relative vibrations measurements, analysis interpretation and case studies
-Advanced Vibrations training
Specific instrument measurement/ monitoring for advanced (absolute and relative vibrations with diagnostics on rotating machines)
(model and manufacturer should be specified in the application)
Our Experts
Experienced, skilled with more then 20 years experience in the fields of transformer, cable, relay protection testing etc...
Training centers
Training centers available in few locations Europe: Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria Canada...
Get your certificate for the training